Saturday, August 20, 2011

A world of color and song

Does your life ever seem like a series of stories painted in bright colors with laughter as the theme and ultimate goal? Mine does. Each day, whether good or bad, always seems to wind up as another chapter in the comedy book of life that I live in. Each event in my life is a story waiting to be told, a crazy tale waiting to be spun, a vivid splash of paint waiting to illustrate all the details in my book. I have an odd assortment of songs that accompany my story at any given time. Each thought or word spoken aloud spurs a new track to start.

At one point in time I had a blog. I kept my blog as more of a journal of what my family was doing and to chronicle my children's years growing up. Although I loved writing, I often felt overwhelmed when I would miss some time posting and felt that I couldn't catch up to where I needed to be in order to continue my entries. Ultimately, my blog fell to the wayside and to this day still sits there waiting to be caught up. The problem is that it can't be caught up. My kids are growing up now and too much time has passed to be able to chronicle their adventures. I began to think about writing again and what I wanted to accomplish this time around. This time, I wanted freedom to share my colorful stories, my random musings...and the hilarity that ensues when my silly brain collides with the world.
I invite you on a journey of fun and laughter as I post about what amuses me in my colorful domain.